The Fates of Twinion Walkthrough
Part 2

By Nigel

Table of Contents

[1.0] Introduction and information
[1.1] Orientation
[1.2] Getting Started
[1.3] The Gauntlet Quest
[1.4] The Aqueduct
[1.5] The Reservoir
[1.6] Twinion Falls
[1.7] The Coliseum
[1.8] Queen's Palace
[2.1] Night Elf Ingress and the Parchment Map
[2.2] The Statuary, aMAZEing, and the Slate Map
[2.3] Tipekans, the Armory, the Races, and the Leather Map
[2.4] The Graveyard, Snake Pit, and the Snakeskin Map
[2.5] Cartography Shop
[2.6] Loose ends
[3.0] Prelude The Dralkarian Quest
[3.1] Dragon's Ire and the Chessboard
[3.2] Dragon's Flame and Hocus Pocus
[3.3] Hopeless Hallways, Halls of Babble, and Concordia
[3.4] Pandemonium
[4.1] The Dralkarian Quest
[4.1.1] Astelligius
[4.1.2] Malos
[4.1.3] Corpeus
[4.1.4] Pluthros
[4.1.5] Juvalad (X)
[4.2] Aeowyn's Treachery
[4.2.1] Hints and Tips on the Dralks
[5.1] Dissemination
[5.2] The Gateway
[6.1] Choronazar's Demesne and the Funhouse
[6.1.1] Endgame

Previous title in this genre Twinion Walkthrough Part 1 Twinion Walkthrough Part 3 Next title in this genre


[2.1] Night Elf Ingress and the Parchment Map

Q: How about a review of what I accomplished so far?
You gained levels, experience, and gold as well as learned new spells and skills. You proved yourself worthy of being one of the Heroes who will solve the numerous quests and step through to Immortality... Aeowyn has informed you of four ancient map pieces that, when combined - create the ticket to the ultimate challenge - the mighty beasts, the Dralkarians! Corpeus, Astelligius, Malos, Pluthros, and Juvalad all await you... But you're nowhere near to getting to the Guardians... for now...

Q: What should I do after I've gotten the Queen's Key and returned to the DE?
Use the Queen's Key on the SE door in the Dungeon Entrance. The key will set and the door will remain unlocked forever. There are two paths in all through here, but only one to the Night Elf Kingdom is now accessible.

Q: Once I'm in the Night Elf ingress, where do I go?
There are many different paths through the Ingress, which is the "base" stage for the Map Quest. The first thing you'll want to do is talk to Snicker, the thief at F,14. You'll find out he has three brothers, Sneer, Smug, and Smirk, who run different shops. After that, exit the room and enter again. You'll get an Iron Crown, which can be useful if you lack a piece of headgear. Finally, exit and re-enter once more, and he will lift some more of your gold - but give you a Thieves Ring. This is an extremely useful object - it casts a detect spell equal to Detect at level 12. When worn on your right or left hand, it also increases Agility. If you lack the Detect skill, this item is of great use to you. It does have limited charges, but it can be "refreshed" by exiting and re-entering the dungeon, via the Teleport spell. Another important thing is that Wizards can get their Skeleton Key here. If you're a wizard, go to F,10 and face west. The door will open automatically for you. There are also several other exits here - one to the Statuary, one to the Vault (a pit in which you must jump. It is located at G,8) and an exit to the Lake Despair - which is deadly if you have the Life Jacket and even deadlier if you don't! This exit to Lake Despair is just for the "view" however - and has nothing to do with regards to progressing through the game. It can be accessed via two secret doors, the first one at D,4 and the second one at J,6.

Q: What is the Skeleton Key for?
Every guild can obtain their Skeleton Key quite easily. The key is to reach inaccessible areas in the dungeon, which have a "skull and crossbones" painted on them.

Q: I've located some really weird scrambled words in the place called "clueless" in the Ingress. What are they supposed to mean?
Together, they reveal a special hint. This doesn't mean anything now, but it will make great sense later.

Q: Where is the first place I should go now? The Vault or the Statuary?
The logical place to go would be the Vault. From here 3 more exits are available : one to the Carriage house (go 1 north of where you arrive and drop into the pit west of you), the Stables (from the place you enter the Vault, turn west and drop into the pit. However the one you should take now is to the north, the one to the entrance of Twinion Keep.

Q: There's a weird chest in the Vault that has a diamond shaped lock on it. What do you do here?
Once you have the Diamond Lockpick you can come back here to get some treasure and a 100,000 gold piece reward.

Q: What do I do in the Twinion Keep?
There is a hidden door 1 south and 1 east of where you will arrive. Face east and use the detect skill, or the Ring of Thieves Snicker gave you. Pick the lock, the head through to the "teleport" square 1 north and 1 east of where you are. You'll be teleported to a long hallway. Here there is another teleport which leads to the Thieves town, Tipekans. Leave it for now - you won't be able to get in anyway, and continue west throughout the hall. You'll run into a wall at the end of the hall with a left turn. Simply walk through the wall here - it's only an illusion - and continue south. Walk through the teleport and you'll land in another part of the Twinion Keep. Keeping along the walls (don't go into the center just yet) go along the walls to your east, south, and west. Once you are in the SW corner of the room, go 1 step north and you'll be teleported to the Wine Cellar. Make your way to A,1 and fight the battle to receive the Life Jacket. After that, take the easternmost door to Cliffhanger.

Q: I can't pick the lock at the secret door near the beginning of Twinion Keep. What should I do?
A Blue Lockpick (the best in the game) can be found in the Stables, accessible from the Vault.

Q: What do I do here in Cliffhanger?
You are given an opportunity to get the Front Door key. There is also a teleporter to the Infirmary. The "falling rocks" at O,13 will take you to the Infirmary. The Key is located at L,16.

Q: Should I go to the Infirmary?
Yes. Drop down to it from the "falling rocks". You need now to get to the Cloister. When in the Infirmary, instead of going through the doors, take this path to avoid being thrown off track : go 2 steps west, 1 step north, 1 step east through wall, 2 steps north, 1 step west, turn north, teleport.

Q: What do I do in the Cloister?
Simply follow the path to the teleporter that takes you to the Gallery.

Q: I'm in the Gallery. What now?
The main part of the Gallery will be to read the plaques here. The information your race's plaque gives you is extremely important. Read all the plaques until one gives you a hint on your quest. There are three clues in all in the Map Quest, and you must know all 3 to survive (later) in the Cartography Shop. Each race's clues are different. What they mean is : once you've collected all four of the map pieces, you can access the Cartography shop, where you will be given different "tokens", or gems that will each open a door at the end of the Shop. If you use the wrong token on a wrong door you are instantly killed and brought back to the DE, so jot down the clues as they will be vital to your survival.

Q: I got my clue. What now?
If you're a barbarian, you can get your Skeleton Key here. Go to L,4 and face north. The door will automatically open up for you. If you're of any other guild, go through the teleport in the NE to the Vineyard.

Q: What do I do here in the Vineyard?
You can get the Maze Key, which is for use in retrieving one of the map pieces from aMAZEing, accessible from the Statuary. Knight can also get their Skeleton Key here. Go to K,14, and face south. The door will automatically open for you. You'll need to detect a secret door here - go to I,11, face west and Detect (or use a Ring of Thieves). Go to the easternmost door and go through it, where you will find the Maze Key. After you get the key, DON'T go back to the southern part of the Night Elf Ingress. Instead, jump into the pit at H,12 to get to the Fringe of Madness.

Q: Is there a way out of here? I'm trapped!
Yes, there's a way out - just follow these directions very carefully from the exact place you drop into the Fringe : Go 1 step forward, turn right, go 2 steps forward, turn left, 1 step forward, turn left, 2 steps forward, turn right two times, two steps forward, turn left two times, two steps forward, turn left, 1 step forward, turn right, and then walk through the illusionary wall right in front of you.

Q: Phew. I'm out of THAT mess. Now where do I go?
This is the first Map you'll get - the Parchment map, plus 200,000 experience points. from the exit of the Fringe, take the path to the east and follow along the path, fighting several battles. At the end of the path, you'll receive the Parchment Map.

Q: Alright, now what?
Now that you have one of the legendary map pieces, teleport out and level up. After that, you can either take the top entrance to the DE, or the bottom entrance back to the Fringe. It is wiser to take the top entrance back to the DE as it's quicker, and you'll be automatically healed and your mana will be restored.

[2.2] aMAZEing, The Statuary, and the Slate Map

Q: How do I first get into the Statuary?
The portal to the Statuary part of the Enclave can be located in the Night Elf Ingress, on the eastern wall.

Q: Once I'm in the Statuary, what do I do?
There are 3 portals available from here now, one to the graveyard (only if you have the skeleton key) one to aMAZEing, which is your next destination, and one to the Ballroom, which will only appear once you've done the Lockpick quest. Clerics can also obtain their Skeleton Key here. Go to B,8, face east and the door will automatically open for you. The portal you want to take is the one to aMAZEing, which can be located in the far NW corner of the Statuary.

Q: It would be aMAZEing to get out of here. Any tips?
First thing you'll want to do here is take the path to the east once you arrive. Follow the path along until you come across two doors : Harmony and Chaos. Enter the door that has your alignment's name on it, and you will receive a Guardian that protects you from the hazardous areas of this map, and also serves as a good shield, plus the Harmonic Guardian casts Resist in battle, and the Chaotic Guardian casts Backfire. Do NOT go into the door that is opposite your alignment. You'll lose many experience points and gold pieces for not following directions. Once you have the you Guardian equipped, head back to the start of the level. Note that throughout the level there are certain "teleport squares" that warp you to different points on the map, and even back to the Statuary or the Night Elf Ingress. These are to throw you off, and more often than not, it's wise to use your True Seeing spell or a Crystal Ball to detect any that might be around. After you make it back to the start of the level, make your way to M,1, face north, and use the Detect skill (or a Crystal Ball or whatever). Go through the hidden door. Make sure that before stepping on "suspicious spots" that they are not teleport squares, or you'll have to do the whole thing over again. From there, make your way through the hallway. Be sure to read the plaques, when you find which one is written in your race's language, be sure to jot down the clue it gives you. It will be vital to your survival later in the Cartography Shop. After you do that, make your way to L,13, face south and detect. Go through the hidden door, avoiding any teleports. Go 1 step south, 1 step east, 1 step south, face east and detect. Go through the hidden door, then go 1 step north, 1 step east, 2 steps south, face south, and detect. Go through the hidden door, then go 1 step south and 1 step west, fight the battle and you will receive the Stone of Awareness. From there, make your way back to M,1 (using a teleport square *might* help). From there, go east, following along the path and avoiding any teleports, until you reach L,9. Face south and use the Maze Key which you got at the Vineyard. Take the following path : 1 step west, 3 steps south, 4 steps east, 1 step north, turn west. The Stone of Awareness will make a door visible. Go through the door, face north, and detect. Walk through the door, and you will get the Slate Map, plus 200,000 experience points.

Q: Is there anything else in this maze?
Yes. First, make your way back to the beginning of the maze. Once there, take the northern path again, and then turn east when you have the opportunity. Here you will find another path, with two doors that appear when you turn to look at them. One is the Tool Shed, and the other is the Gardener's Shed. Harmonics should go to the Gardener's Shed and Chaotics should go to the Tool Shed for rewards of gold and booty. Don't enter another alignment's room however, or you will lose 20,000 gold pieces. The second thing here is along the path from the tool and Gardener's Sheds. After getting your reward from the shed, continue east along the path, and make your way to E,7. Fight the battle here to receive the Tnerpes Key, which will grant you a lifetime path to Tipekans.

[2.3] Tipekans, The Armory, the Races, and the Leather Map

Q: Why do I need to complete The Armory?
You will receive a Luminous Lantern, which will ensure that you are successful later in the Graveyard. Also, you will have the opportunity to get the Reforged Skeleton Key, which will be required in the Rat Race and the Race Track. You can also receive your Guild Armor here ; Barbarians get a Barbarian's Plate, Knights receive a Knight's Breastplate, Rangers will get a Ranger's Chainmail, Thieves will snatch a Thief's Cloak, Clerics will discover a Cleric's Chainmail, and Wizards will find a Wizard's Sash.

Q: Now that I know why, how?
You can get to the Armory from the Stables. The easiest path to take would be to drop to the Vault from Night Elf Ingress and take the pit to your west immediately after you drop in. From the Stables, you can go to the Breezeway via a teleport in the western section of where you arrive. Follow the passageway along to the teleport to the Armory.

Q: I'm lost in The Armory. All around, shields smack me on my head, I get hit with poisonous darts, and seem to be stuck in the middle of nowhere. What's the point here?
When you first arrive in the Armory, be sure to have the Fellowship key, which can be found in Lake Despair, and the Skeleton Key (see Keys & Lockpicks section). From there, the first thing you must do is disable the traps in the NE section so you can go through. Make your way from the entrance to L,5, face north, and detect. Go through the hidden door and follow the path along to M,7, where you will face north and detect once again. From there, follow along the hallway and make your way to L,4. Face east to disable the traps. Now that you've done that, take the hallway back out and into the main room. Go to M,12, face east, and detect. Go through the hidden door, follow along the path to the east, then turn to the west and go through the western door. Follow along this path to north, then to the east. You'll come across a door and a teleport. Go through the door, NOT the teleport, and go through the teleport beyond. You will arrive at A,7. From here, go west to B,3, face east, and detect. From here, take the hallway around to D,2, where you will receive the Spidersilk Helm. Be sure to keep the helm; you will need it for a purpose other than headgear. From this room, go back into the main room. From the main room, make your way to M,11, face south, and detect. Follow the passageway to the door at the end, where the guard will let you in IF you have the Spidersilk Helm. Go through the door, go 1 step north, and detect. Go through the hidden door, where you will hit against a wand on the door, which opens a door in the middle of the room. Go back to the main room and go to L,8. Face north and unlock the door with your Fellowship Key. Take the teleporter beyond this door, which will lead you to another hallway. Take the southern path, pick the lock of the door that is locked, and follow through to the teleporter at the end of the passageway. From this new area, head north through the door and follow north until you reach a wall. From there, go east, and then south. The door will now be open. Take the path along to B,12, where there is a teleport. Step through the teleport, then follow the next path along to yet another teleport. Go through this teleport, make SURE you have the Spidersilk helm, as the poisonous darts here will kill even the strongest character in 2 steps. Walk through to E,14, where you will receive the Luminous Lantern. Keep it, as you will need it in the Graveyard. From there, go back to where the "fork" in the road was and take the path to the east and then the north. From here, take the teleporter to the Vault. From here, go back to the Stables, the Breezeway, and then back to the Armory. From the main section, go back to L,8, face north, and unlock the door with your Fellowship Key. Once again, go through the door, and then through the teleporter. Go exactly the way you did to get the Luminous Lantern, except this time, in the area right after the second teleporter, take the path BEHIND you, to a series of doors. Walk south, looking at each of the doors until you find the one for your guild. To tell which one is for your guild, look at them, and the one that has the message "there is a skull and crossbones scratched into the door" is the one. Unlock it with the Skeleton Key and go through the teleporter beyond. From there, you will be teleported to 1 of 6 different 4-square areas in the corners and middle of the Armory. Before going through the teleport (this is important) make sure to go through the doors. You will be given your Guild Armor, and both the Skeleton and Fellowship Keys will be taken from you. However this is necessary. From there, take the teleporter out. To receive your "reforged" Skeleton Key, simply go back to the area where you originally found yours (see Keys and Lockpicks). Note that your new Skeleton Key will look exactly like the original, even having the same name, but it is really reforged. Plus, this "new" key will be required in the Rat Race and the Race Track.

Q: I'm back at the start of the Ingress now. What should I do next?
Your next move is to snatch the Leather Map and a clue from the Rat Race and the Race Track. Don't let the name fool you - Race in these stages means what species you are (orc, troll, elf, human, etc.) First thing you will need to do from the Ingress is get the Emerald Lockpick out of Dark Alley. To get to the Dark Alley, you must first get to the Carriage House. Do this by going to the Vault, going 1 step north of where you arrive, and then then falling into the western pit. From the Carriage House, follow along the path to the north. Ignore the first teleporter to Lake Despair - you'll get there later, and follow along the path to the second teleporter. Go through the teleporter to the Dark Alley. From there, follow along the path, not going through any doors or teleports until you reach a fork in the road. From there, go up against the wall, and go 1 east, 1 north, and through the door in front of you. Fight the battle to get the Emerald Lockpick. Note: Thieves can also get their Skeleton Key here. From the entrance, follow the path along to the very first door which will appear on your right. Go through the wall, turn opposite the other door in the corridor, and the door will automatically appear.

Q: What do I do once I have the Emerald Lockpick?
You must trade lockpicks at the thief town Tipekans to gain access to the Ballroom. Make your way to the Vault from the Night Elf Ingress, then once there, take the teleporter at the northern end of it. From the Cellar, go 1 step south and 1 step east and detect the eastern door. Pick the lock on the secret door, and then head 1 step east, 1 step north, and 1 step east to teleport yourself to the next portion. From here, go along the hallway until you see a teleporter to the south. Walk through this teleporter, and you will be at Tipekans. From here, take either the eastern or the southern passageway. The guard will take your Tnerpes key, and grant you lifetime access plus a Pummel Scroll. From here, make your way to A,12, face east, and detect. Go through the door, and make your way to C,14. Face north and detect. Go through the secret door and make your way to D,16, where a cleric will trade you your Emerald Lockpick for a Diamond Lockpick.

Q: What do I do with the Diamond Lockpick?
It's a wise idea to first go back to the Vault and go through to I,10, where you will unlock the safe with several treasures and 100,000 gold pieces. After that, head back to Tipekans. Make your way to H,15, face north, and detect. From there, go through the secret door, 1 east, and face south. Open the door with the Diamond Lockpick and make your way to F,14, where you will trade the Diamond Lockpick for the Sapphire Lockpick.

Q: Now that I've got the Sapphire Lockpick, where do I go?
To get to the Ballroom, you have to use your Sapphire Lockpick to open a door. Go to M,15 and face east. The door will reveal itself. Follow along the path until you reach the teleporter to the Ballroom. Note : when the thieves tie you up at G,4, keep the rope. It can be used at Cliffhanger to swing over the pit to visit a fountain and get a skill.

Q: Now I'm at the Ballroom. Where should I go first?
You'll have to detect your way out of the room where you arrive. Go 1 step south and 1 step east, face east, and detect. From there, go to D,9, face west, and detect. From here, you may enter the Rat Race via the teleporter at D,7. If you have the Key of C, you can open the door at C,6, where you will find 2 fountains. One will give you knowledge, and the other will poison you.

Q: What do I do in the Rat Race?
In here, you will be able to obtain a map piece, and a clue to your "tokens". This room is paired with the Race Track. It's very frustrating, as you must find your race's door. There is a hint on these rooms however - the locations of the doors. The doors are as follows : In the Rat Race -

E,4, face west (Halfling)
K,3, face south (Elf)
C,15, face west (Orc)
C,5, face east (Troll)
K,6, face east (Dwarf)
P,8, face south (Gremlin)
N,12, face south (Human)
I,10, face south (Gnome)

Race Track
P,3, face south (Gnome)
O,8, face west (Halfling)
M,15, face north (Human)
J,12, face north (Troll)
H,5, face north (Gremlin)
D,8, face east (Dwarf)
E,12, face east (Elf)
G,3, face east (Orc)

To find the door for your race, make sure that you get the message "there is a skull and crossbones scratched into the door". Then, use your (reforged) Skeleton Key, and go through the door. In the Rat Race you will get your clue, and in the Race Track you will receive the Leather Map - the third of four.

[2.4] The Graveyard, Snake Pit, and the Snakeskin Map

Q: Now, how do I get the fourth map piece?
To get the last map piece, you must first have the following items: your Skeleton Key, and the Luminous Lantern from the Armory. This will make sure you are successful in the quest.

Q: Okay, where do I go from the entrance of the Night Elf Ingress?
Take the eastern portal to the Statuary. From there, go through the portal in the SW corner to the Graveyard. Note: this portal will *only* appear if you have the Skeleton Key. The Graveyard is a very tough area as it cannot be mapped. However, you can have a slight orientation of where you are if you run into a room that has a torch; then you can get a glimpse of the dark graveyard before the winds douse your flame. The first thing you will need to do is get the Snake Charm from the crypt. This magical medallion will prevent you from being killed instantly by the fearful Giant Asp, and turn him into a weakling snake. From the entrance of the graveyard, take the gated designated the "NorthEast Gate" on your right. From there, go forward until you run into a wall. Fight the battle there and turn west. Walk forward until you reach another wall. Go 1 step west, 1 step north, 1 step east, and unlock the door in front of you. Go through the door and detect the 3rd wall on your left. Go through the hidden door and follow along the passageway to your west. When you come up to the locked door at the end of the passageway, use the Luminous Lantern. The door will now be unlocked. Go through the door and take the passageway to your right. When you run into the first door, go through it. Go 1 step north, turn left, go 1 step north, turn left, go 1 step north, and you will end up at the Crypt.

Q: What do I do here in the Crypt?
In the Crypt, your main goal is to get the Snake Charm to be used in the Snake Pit. From the entrance, make your way east to A,16, face north, and detect. Go through the hidden door, make your way to D,11, face north, and detect. Go through the hidden door, go 1 step west and you will get the Snake Charm. Your Luminous Lantern will fade and dissipate when this happens, but you won't need it anymore anyway.

Q: What do I do next?
With the Snake Charm, go back to the entrance of the Graveyard via the Statuary or the Carriage House. From the entrance of the Graveyard, once again go through the same way as you did for the Snake Charm _except_ this time don't go through the locked door to the old tomb. Instead, ignore it, turn east (assuming you are facing the door) and walk along the passageway until you run into a wall with a torch. From there, turn east and go along the path, not taking any turns until you fall into and open grave. From the grave, go 1 step forward and 1 step east, then walk through the door. Take the door beyond it to the Snake Pit (termed Sn k P t in the game).

Q: What is my goal in the Snake Pit?
To get the Ruby Lockpick. From the entrance, simply go along the path, fighting the numerous snake battles until you reach the door on the other side of the room. Be sure that you have the Snake Charm when you go through this door, or otherwise, you'll be dead before you realize it. Go through the door, and the Giant Asp will retreat, fearing your magical talisman. Follow it, and you'll eventually come to fight it. Kill all the enemies, then step 1 step south to the Ruby Lockpick and some other treasures. From there, take the door to the south to return to Night Elf Ingress.

Q: Now that I've got the Ruby Lockpick, what do I do with it?
The Ruby Lockpick is used to open the shops of the Snicker's three brothers, Sneer, Smug, and Smirk. Smirk is the only honest brother who will lead you to the path to the Snakeskin Map, the others will merely throw you off track. The good thing is you don't lose your lockpick when you take the wrong path. The bad thing is, not surprisingly, the path to Smirk's Emporium is a tough one.

Q: How do I get to Smirk's Emporium?
If you have the Rope from Tipekans, you can go to the Infirmary, and swing your rope over a rock by going through one of the doors instead of going through the teleporter, however, if you don't have the Rope, you will have to go through the Fringe of Madness to get to the Library section of Twinion Keep. The easiest path to take to the Fringe is through the Ballroom ; the easiest path to take to the Ballroom is through the Statuary. From the entrance of the Statuary, go through and face the statue of Lord Zzuf. It will move aside and you can go through the eastern teleporter to the Ballroom. From the Ballroom, take the teleporter to the Gallery, from which you can get to the Vineyard, where you drop into the easternmost pit to the Fringe of Madness. Once you get through the Fringe (for directions, see the Parchment Map quest), take the pit to the west of where you emerge. You will be dropped into the Library. Walk to I,13, face south, and detect. Go through the door and make your way to F,5. Face south and use the Ruby Lockpick. Smirk's will be open for business. Go through the door and follow the path to the east. Walk through the teleport and you will be at Tipekans. Take this path to the teleporter at the end, then walk through. You will be teleported to the center of Tipekans. Walk around and through the door at the end and you will receive the fourth and final piece, the Snakeskin Map!

Q: Alright! Now what...?
Go and level up in the Guild Hall. You've reached the final point of the Map Quest. Your next destination - the Cartography shop.

[2.5] Cartography Shop

Q: How do I get to the Cartography Shop?
Before you can actually enter the Cartography Shop, be sure to have the following items :

(1) All four map pieces (Parchment, Leather, Slate, Snakeskin)

(2) All 3 clues as to your tokens. They will be critical here, so be sure to have them. Also note the names of the adventurers who give you the gems. If you don't have three clues down, they are located in aMAZEing, the Gallery, and the Rat Race. If you're lazy and don't want to search for them, look to the end of this part for information for your race.

If you have the items, you may enter the Cartography Shop. From the Night Elf Ingress, go to the Statuary. From there, enter the Graveyard. Now, go through the NorthEast gate, and follow until you hit a wall and fight a battle. From there, turn west. Follow along until you fight a battle and reach a wall. From there, go 1 step west, 1 step north, and turn east. Follow along until you reach a wall with a torch. Go along this passageway, not taking any turns until you fall into an open grave. From that point, go 2 steps forward, turn west, go two more steps forward (walking through wall). Then follow the path and take the first east turn. Follow the passageway here until you reach the end door. Walk through it, and then, at the end - take the portal to the Cartography Shop.

Q: I didn't know there was going to be a test. These questions are getting me down.
Here are all the answers to the True/False questions:

  1. Unity Fountain is found in Rat Race - True, walk east.
  2. Fellowship Fountain is located in the Armory - False, walk north.
  3. Harmonics should visit the Tool Shed for a reward - False, walk east.
  4. Smug owns a Pawn Shop - False, walk south. From here, make your way to C,15, face south, and detect. Go 2 steps south, face west, and detect. Hit the fountain in the western square of this room, to get an attribute boost. From there, go back out the secret door and through the teleport. From here, go 1 step south and 1 step west. Go through the door to the south and follow along the passageway to meet Kalydor, who gives you a token. From there, follow along to the next riddle.
  5. The Vault is found in the Twinion Keep - False, walk west.
  6. Angel Fountain is found in Cliffhanger - False, walk north. In the next area, take the eastern path to the teleport. Follow along this path until you reach a small room where you seem to be stuck. From the entrance of this room, go 2 steps east, 1 step south, face west and detect. Follow this path to meet Syrene, who gives you a token. Go through the teleporter.
  7. The Emerald Lockpick is exchanged for the Diamond Lockpick - True, take the door to the south. Take the teleport, follow along the path again, and you will meet Dabealis, who gives you a token.
  8. The only way to Race Track is from the Rat Race - True, walk north.
  9. A bard sings his tale in the Cloister - False, walk east. From here, you will meet Syrene, who gives you your final token. Go through the teleport. This is where you will use your clues. If you have pieced your clues together and know in which order to use them, go ahead through the door for your Race. If you haven't figured your clues out yet, see the next section.

Q: I can't piece my clues together. How about telling me what goes with what race?
If you lost your clues regarding to your tokens, or didn't find them in the first place, or can't figure them out, here is the order of tokens for each race:

Human : Coral, Topaz, Pearl, Ebony
Orc : Pearl, Opal, Coral, Topaz
Elf : Ebony, Opal, Coral, Topaz
Troll : Opal, Coral, Topaz, Pearl
Gnome : Ebony, Coral, Opal, Pearl
Dwarf : Opal, Topaz, Ebony, Coral
Hafling : Topaz, Pearl, Ebony, Opal
Gremlin : Pearl, Ebony, Opal, Coral

Q: What do I get now?
Walk through the doors with the correct tokens and you will meet the Queen and receive a Whole Map. Plus, you'll get 2,745,000 experience points, which should boost your level. Once you have the whole map, proceed to the Dungeon Entrance and go through the door that you originally opened with the Queen's Key. Face the plaque that is on the northern wall, opposite the teleport to the Night Elves' Ingress, and the map will let you pass. From here, go into the teleport beyond to ultimately meet your Fate...

[2.6] Loose Ends

Q: What loose ends?
There are several spots in the Night Elf Ingress where you can get a special reward for visiting. So far, I've only found a handful of these spots.

Q: Where can I find them?
Here they are. Simply visit these fountains to get a skill/spell:

  1. Cliffhanger. If you access this area from the Wine Cellar in Twinion Keep, you'll find there is a pit with a boulder protruding over it and a fountain that you appear not to be able to reach. You'll need the rope from Tipekans here, which is accessible when you do the "lockpick quest" or exchange lockpicks to get to the Ballroom. Once you have the Rope, simply go to that point and step into the pit. Walk around the ledge to gain a skill.
  2. The Carriage House - There is an unsightly pit in the southeast corner of here (when you access it from the Vault). Walk into this pit, which isn't a real pit, just some hole that you'll injure your ankle in, face east, and walk through the wall. Visit the fountain there.
  3. The Ballroom - In here, there are two fountains. You'll need the Key of C to open the door to them. The southern one blesses you and the northern one poisons you, or so I believe, but the poison isn't deadly, so you can visit both without getting killed.
  4. Race Track - Access Race Track from any TP in the Rat Race. Once at the "official" entrance, which is about 2 steps south of the northwest corner, make your way to B,6, face north, detect and pick the lock to open the secret door, and once you're done with that, go 2 steps north to get the Poison Cloud spell, or so I believe it is the same for all races/guilds.
  5. In the Rat Race, there is a fountain located at O,16. Visiting this fountain will either get you a spell, or it may fetch you nothing at all - once again, unfortunately, I don't know which races/guilds get what here.

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