King's Quest III: To Heir is Human Technical
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General Information
Minimum OS: Minimum CPU: Intel 8088 / 8086 Minimum RAM: 256 KB Graphics Modes: Hercules, CGA, Tandy / PCjr, EGA Audio Hardware: PC Speaker, Tandy/PCjr Sound, Platform Specific Input Devices: Keyboard, Joystick Media: 2 3½" floppy diskettes
Minimum OS: Color Computer 3 Minimum RAM: 512 KB Graphics Modes: Hercules, CGA, Tandy / PCjr, EGA Audio Hardware: PC Speaker, Tandy/PCjr Sound, Platform Specific Input Devices: Keyboard, Joystick Media: 5¼" floppy diskettes
Apple II
Minimum OS: None (Bootable) Minimum CPU: Apple IIe Minimum RAM: 128 KB Graphics Modes: Double Hi-Res Input Devices: Keyboard, Joystick Media: 5.25" floppy diskette
Apple IIgs
Minimum OS: Minimum CPU: Minimum RAM: Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick Media:
Minimum OS: Minimum CPU: Minimum RAM: Graphics Modes: Audio Hardware: Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse Media: Minimum CD-ROM Speed:
Minimum OS: Kickstart 1.1 Minimum CPU: Amiga 1000 Minimum RAM: 512 KB Graphics Modes: OCS/ECS Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick Media: 3.5" floppy diskettes
Atari ST
Minimum OS: 520 ST Minimum RAM: 512 KB Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse Media:
Exploring Game Resources
Resources Used
- Logic Resource (AGI) — Logic resources; the game logic.
- VIEW Resource (AGI) — View resources; 16 color sprite graphics.
- PIC.* — Picture resources; 16 color background graphics.
- Sound Resource (AGI) — Sound resources for music and some sound effects.
- WORDS.TOC — Internal dictionary for the parser.
- Object File (AGI) — Stores the inventory items.
Resource Tools
- Sierra Resource Viewer - Opens, views, and exports AGI and SCI game resources
<ref /ref> wrote:
Version 3 of the game does not have this copy protection. It is sold by MacNeill bros on The Software Farm. It is also sold by Sunlight Games and on Steam. There was also a viable crack available from HWM
New Installer
- SHP New DOSBox Installer Setup File [711 KB]
- Requires files from the original distribution media. Works with all versions of the game. Copy the files from your floppy disks into a temporary folder on your hard drive and run this installer from that folder.
Debug Modes
Command Result ALT + I Gives information on objects on screen EXAMINE OBJECT Gives information on objects on screen OBJECT ROOM Shows in which room certain object is located GET OBJECT Adds selected object to inventory GIMME GIMME Adds all objects to inventory ROOM NUMBER Shows room number ALT + P Shows priority screen * F6 Shows priority screen ** SHOW PRIORITY Shows priority screen RELEASE PRIORITY Returns to normal visual screen **** ROOM Shows coordinates of ego ALT + E Shows position of ego ALT + X Shows coordinates of ego EXAMINE POSITION Shows coordinates of ego ** FIND Shows position of ego F10 Shows available memory *** ALT + M Shows available memory * ENCHANTER STATUS or WIZARD STATUS Gives a detailed status of Manannan. HERE ENCHANTER or HERE WIZARD Gives a detailed status of Manannan. SLEEP ENCHANTER or SLEEP WIZARD Manannan goes to sleep. BYE BYE ENCHANTER or BYE BYE WIZARD Kills Manannan. DO CHORE Sets assigned task flag as done. PUT UP SPELL Gives all inventory items. PUT UP MOUNTAIN Changes game state to arrival at the kingdom of Daventry PUT UP BOAT Changes game state to the beginning of the sailing trip GIMME SPELL Gives all magical items * King's Quest 3 has several versions and some these commands won't work, or will use different keys like F6 or F10 (e.g. v1.01)
** King's Quest 3 v1.01
*** Not King's Quest 3 v. 2.14
**** "Enter" to return to normal visual screen for v. 2.14
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