SCI Programming Language/Introduction
The SCI language is an object-oriented language with a Lisp-like syntax. It is compiled by the sc compiler into p-machine code which is used by the interpreter, sci.exe. We will begin our discussion of the language with its basic Lisp-like characteristics, then go on to the object-oriented parts of the language. Like Lisp, SCI is based on parenthesized expressions which return values. An expression is of the form:
(procedure [parameter parameter...])
The parameters to a procedure may themselves be expressions to be evaluated, and may be nested until you lose track of the parentheses. Unlike Lisp, a procedure itself may not be the result of an evaluation. An example of an expression is:
(+ (-y 2) (/ x 3))
which would be written in infix notation as:
(y -2) + (x / 3)
All expressions are guaranteed to be evaluated from left to right. Thus,
(= x 4)
(= y (/ (+= x 4) ( / = x 2)))
will result in y = 2 and x = 4.
Comments in SCI begin with a semicolon and continue to the end of the line.
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