Moving Picture Experts Group
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The ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Moving Picture Experts Group AKA MPEG is an ISO/IEC standards body dedicated to creating video and audio encoding standards.
Among the compression methods standardized by MPEG are
- ISO/IEC 11172 Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1.5 Mbit/s (AKA MPEG-1)
- ISO/IEC 13818 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information (AKA MPEG-2)
- ISO/IEC 14496 Coding of audio-visual objects (AKA MPEG-4)
- ISO/IEC 15938 Multimedia content description interface (AKA MPEG-7)
- ISO/IEC 21000 Multimedia framework (AKA MPEG-21)
- ISO/IEC 23000 Multimedia Application Formats (AKA MPEG-A)
- ISO/IEC 23001 MPEG Systems Technologies (MPEG-B)
- ISO/IEC 23002 MPEG Visual Technologies (MPEG-C)
- ISO/IEC 23003 MPEG Audio Technologies (MPEG-D)
- Part 1 MPEG Surround
- Part 3 Unified Speech and Audio Coding (USAC)
- ISO/IEC 23004 MPEG Multimedia Middleware
- ISO/IEC 25781 Universal 3D file format