How to keep your gTheSoundFX from interupting gTheMusic

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How to keep your gTheSoundFX from interupting gTheMusic

By Cloudee1

In the first room of my game has music playing as well as a repetitive SoundFX (water dripping) and every time it played it interfered with the music. First I tried playing around with a priority property, but nothing ever really came of that. Then I figured I would just make a timer and count down to when the music should be over but I didn't want to add any more than necessary to my main script. It turns out that both instances have a state property built in. Then it just became a matter of checking for 0.

(if(== (send gTheMusic:state()) 0) (send gTheSoundFX:number(15)loop(1)play()))

With this the soundfFX will no longer play until after the music has finished.


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