Wizard and the Princess Help

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Wizard and the Princess' original requirements:



The Wizard and The Princess, the second game released by Roberta Williams in the same year as Mystery House (1980), is a text and graphics with 2-word parser game, originally an 8-bit Apple ][ game released in 1980. It is usually regarded as the first adventure game with color graphics. In 1982 IBM gave Sierra On-line a computer to develop the first game for its new platform, the PC, Sierra ported The Wizard and The Princess for the PC and IBM released it as Adventures in Serenia in 1983.

Disk images of the original Apple version were included with the second King's Quest Collection and The Roberta Williams Anthology along with several other Apple ][ games and the free AppleWin Apple ][e emulator for Windows.

The Apple version of the game should play in AppleWin with no issues. Adventures in Serenia can easily be played in DOSBox. In game commands for the PC version:

  • F1 toggles graphics on and off.
  • F2 toggles colors of graphics.
  • F3 saves game.
  • F4 restores game.
  • F5 calls inventory.
  • F6 types look room.
  • "N", "E", "S" and "W" navigates one screen up, right, down and left, respectively (works for Apple][ version, too).


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