Scoring and Flags
SCI Tutorials and Guides Template:Important
Scoring and Flags
When the player successfully kills the evil zombie guy, they should be rewarded some. So let's add something to their score.
Adding directly to the score
That can be as simple as using the AddToScore procedure (from So let's add it to the throwBoxScript:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">
( (evilEgo hide:) (gGame handsOn:) ; Add 5 points to the player's score: (AddToScore 5) ; Box hangs in the air for a couple of seconds for comedic effect (= seconds 2) (theBox posn: (theBox x?) (- (theBox y?) 30) 0) )
Now when the ego throws the box and hits the evil ego, the score sound will play (sound resource 1000) and 5 points will be added to the score in the status bar.
Assigning a value to an inventory item
Another way to add something to the player's score is to assign a value to an inventory item. When the player first picks up the item, the score will be added.
Go into the Inventory script and find the BlueBox. Add a value property to it:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">
(instance BlueBox of InventoryItem (properties view 900 cursor 900 loop 1 signal $0002 noun N_BOX message V_BOX value 3 ) )
This is useful, because the score won't be added again if the ego picks up the box a second time (try it).
To keep track of various important events and states that happen in your game, you can add global variables to the script. If the important event is just a true or false value, however, you can instead define a flag. Flags are more memory efficient, since 16 of them can be packed into the space of one 16-bit variable.
Suppose we want the fact that you shrunk the box to be remembered even if you left the room and came back. We were using our *hasBoxShrunk* local variable, but instead we could define a flag F_ShrunkBox to indicate this, and then it can be tested and set anywhere in the game. To do so, open from the Quick links pane of the script editor, scroll to the end, and add this::
<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">
; flags (enum F_ShrunkBox ; You can add more here later... )
Now go back to rm100 and find the shrinkBoxScript. Modify the third case to set the F_ShrunkBox flag:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">
( (Bset F_ShrunkBox) (Prints {The box shrunk!}) (gGame handsOn:) )
Also modify the place in theBox's doVerb where we were checking for hasBoxShrunk:
<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">
(method (doVerb theVerb) (switch theVerb (V_DO (if (not (Btest F_ShrunkBox)) (self setScript: shrinkBoxScript) else (Prints {The box is small now, so you can pick it up!}) (gEgo get: INV_BOX) (theBox hide:) ) ) (else (super doVerb: theVerb &rest) ) ) )
This will come in useful later when we go to another room, and can remember that the box was shrunk.
Now, what if we wanted to give the player some points for shrinking the box? We can certainly Bset the flag and then AddToScore. However, we can also take advantage of the ScoreFlag procedure to do both those things in one. ScoreFlag also checks that the flag is not already set - in that case the points won't be added. So this is a good way to ensure that you only add points *once* for a particular event.
<syntaxhighlight lang="sci">
( (ScoreFlag F_ShrunkBox 3) (Prints {The box shrunk!}) (gGame handsOn:) )
.. IMPORTANT:: The template game allocated 14 16-bit spots for the global variable gFlags, where the flags are stored. That's enough room for 224 flags. If you need more, increase the size of the gFlags array.
Also See
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