
heapPtr DeviceInfo(diGET_DEVICE, string thePath, string strBuf)
heapPtr DeviceInfo(diGET_CURRENT_DEVICE, String output)
bool DeviceInfo (diPATHS_EQUAL, String path1, String path2)
bool DeviceInfo(diIS_FLOPPY, String path)

DeviceInfo retreives information about the computer's devices. It contains four subfunctions. Each function is accessed by stating it's identifier as the first parameter.

heapPtr DeviceInfo(diGET_DEVICE, string thePath, string strBuf)
Obtains the drive letter from a directory string. It evaluates the specified path and writes it's drive letter to strBuf. It also returns a pointer to the end of strBuf (the index of the NULL terminating character).
(var strBuf[3])
GetDeviceInfo(diGET_DEVICE "C:\scistudio" @strBuf)
Print(@strBuf) // Prints "C:"
heapPtr DeviceInfo(diGET_CURRENT_DEVICE, string strBuf)
Obtains the drive letter the current path and and writes it to strBuf. It also returns a pointer to the end of strBuf (the index of the NULL terminating character).
(var strBuf[3])
GetDeviceInfo(diGET_CURRENT_DEVICE @strBuf)
Print(@strBuf) // Prints "C:", "D:", or whatever the current drive is
bool DeviceInfo(diPATHS_EQUAL, string aPath, string bPath)
Compares aPath and bPath. If they both point to the same physical location, it returns TRUE, otherwise, FALSE.
(var aPath[100])
if(GetDeviceInfo(diPATHS_EQUAL @aPath "C:\scistudio"))
    Print("The paths are equal")
bool DeviceInfo(diIS_FLOPPY, string thePath, string strBuf)
Checks the specified drive letter to see if it's a floppy or not, returning TRUE or FALSE.
GetDeviceInfo(diIS_FLOPPY "A:") // returns TRUE
GetDeviceInfo(diIS_FLOPPY "C:") // returns FALSE