Space Quest 1 SCI Update (SQ1RLX) (ZIP file) [68.3 KB]
For the remake (SCI) of Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter. Updated game executable.
Space Quest I SCI Updated Sound Drivers (E29PATCH) (ZIP file) [8 KB]
For the remake (SCI) of Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter. Corrects "error 29, unable to initialize audio hardware". Updated driver works with faster systems using the SoundBlaster 16. This file contains two drivers that have been designed for compatibility with 486 systems, MTBLAST.DRV and SNDBLAST.DRV (for Diskette version.)
Space Quest I SCI Patch (SQ1_NRS) (ZIP file) [4.16 KB]
For the remake (SCI) of Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter. This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. Extract SQ1_NRS.ZIP into the directory where the game is installed. Fixes:
- Kerona desert: spider droid arrival
- Kerona desert: dehydration
- Kerona cave: acid drops
- Various animation issues
NOTE: Previous saved games will work only if they were saved in an area whose script code is not affected by the patch.
Space Quest I VGA saves (SQ1VGASG) (ZIP file) [684 KB]
Space Quest 1 SCI was designed to run on systems with a 386 to 486 class of processor. Newer systems from Pentium-class or faster may encounter speed and timing problems in the following areas of the game:
- After Roger has reached the subterranean caverns on Kerona for the first time.
- After Roger has passed the acid drips for the first time.
- After Roger arrives back in the caverns for the second time.
- After Roger passes the drips for the second time.
- After the skimmer sequence.
This is due to the faster clock speed of more recent systems. These save games are designed to start immediately after the above listed problems to allow the player to finish the game.
Space Quest 4 Updated VGA Driver (SQ4VGA) (ZIP file) [3.06 KB]
Replacement 256 color VGA/MCGA driver
Space Quest 4 Updated SoundBlaster Driver (SB16DRV) (ZIP file) [5.75 KB]
This updated AUDBLAST.DRV corrects a problem with some SoundBlaster 16 ASP sound cards in which only the first digitized sound effect is heard.
Space Quest 4 CD Updated Sound File (SQ4CDTB) [23.2 KB]
This new sound file will prevent a lock up problem when the "zombie" screams if you have a Turtle Beach Multisound card or another sound card that doesn't support variable sound sample rates through Windows.
Space Quest 4 Update (SQ4TEXT) [1.20 KB]
This fix will correct the Text.001 message when throwing something at the sequel police at the mall. If you try to throw something at the sequel police, the game won't crash but will display a box in the center of the screen, sometimes with nonsense in it. Just click or <Return> and it will go away.
Space Quest 4 (SQ4CD_NRS) (ZIP file) [5.13 KB]
This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. Extract SQ1_NRS.ZIP into the directory where the game is installed. Fixes:
- Xenon: Droid-o-death
- Xenon: Boarding the transport shuttle
- Xenon: Entering the time pod
- Estros: Sequel Policemen's timepod
- Mall: Skate-o-Rama sequence NOTE: The sequence is still very hard to finish (that's how it's designed, so expect to get shot several times), but no longer impossible.
- Various animation issues
NOTE: Previous saved games will work only if they were saved in an area whose script code is not affected by the patch.
Space Quest 4 (114_AUD) (ZIP file) [21 KB]
This file was on the Sierra originals version of Space Quest 4, but was not on the original disc.
Space Quest 4 Save Games (SQ4SG) (ZIP file) [60.8 KB]
Space Quest 4 was designed to run systems with a 386 to 486 class of processor. Newer systems from Pentium-class or faster may encounter speed and timing problems in the following areas of the game:
- Immediately after successfully boarding the Sequel Police patrol craft on the streets of Xenon in the SQ12 time period.
- While Roger is seated in the timepod for the first time).
- After the submarine ride on Estros.
- After completing the Skate-O-Rama sequence in the SQ10 time period.
- Seated in the timepod at the arcade.
- After shutting down the droids in the Super Computer, back in SQ12.
This is due to the faster clock speed of more recent systems. These save games are designed to start immediately after the above listed problems to allow the player to finish the game.
Space Quest V Patch (SQ5PAT) (ZIP file) [17.5 KB]
This patch disk will resolve the following issues that you may encounter while playing Space Quest V:
- Inability to Restore or Quit game when Roger runs out of time while trying to steal the cloaking device from WD-40's ship.
- Inability to skip polishing the Star Con Crest when running on 286 systems with EGA graphics.
- Loss of the icon when Roger steps off the log which spans the river on Kiz Urazgubi.
Space Quest V Patch (SQ5_NRS) (ZIP file) [3.27 KB]
This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. Extract SQ1_NRS.ZIP into the directory where the game is installed. Fixes:
- Rescuing Cliffy in the EVA pod
- Various animation issues
Space Quest VI: The Spinal Frontier Patch (SQ6_NRS) (ZIP file) [3.78 KB]
This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. This patch has been successfully tested with English and German versions of the game. Fixes:
- Non-responsive Endodroid Runner/Elmo Pug
- Using datacard in ComPost
NOTE: If you don't notice any difference after installing the patch:
- a) Make sure you're not restoring a game saved on the streets of Polysorbate LX or in the sickbay. If so, *before installing the patch*, leave the street by entering a shop / leave the sickbay via the transporter, save your game, *then install the patch*. Generally, patches invalidate those saved games that were saved inside areas for which the script code is changed by the patch.
- b) Note to which directory you have extracted the .zip archive containing the patch.
- c) Open the file "RESOURCE.CFG" (if you are using the DOS version of the game) or "RESOURCE.WIN" (if you are using the Windows version of the game).
- d) Locate the line starting with "patchDir=". e) Add the directory into which you have extracted the patch to this line, followed by a semicolon. For example, if you have extracted the patch into C:\SIERRA\SQ6, and the line originally read:
you should change it to
These steps should NOT be necessary though if you have installed the game and patch properly.
Space Quest VI Copy Protection (SQ6COPY) (ZIP file) [48.9 KB]
Copy protection documentation required to complete Space Quest 6:
- HOMING1.WRI and HOMING2.WRI - ON POLYSORBATE 60 - To leave Polysorbate 60 you will need to use the hints on these two files to figure out the homing beacon settings to convert the Data recorder.
- ELEMENTL.WRI - IN THE SHUTTLE - This Elemental Table and the confirmation code will be needed to obtain the Intermix setting to power up the shuttle.
Space Quest VI: The Spinal Frontier (SQ6SG) (ZIP file) [88.5 KB]
DOS Saved Game - The name of the save in the game is "past freeze" When restored, this save starts in front of large crystal. (for version 1.0 only)
Space Quest VI - Saved Game (SQ6SAV10) (ZIP file) [122 KB]
Saved Game - The name of the save in the game is "Scanned-clickComPost". When restored, this save starts in Roger's quarters. Scanning the DataCart revealed that the hair clogging the razor belonged to a Nigel Rancid and the file on him was closed. After speaking with
Carmen Santiago, you find out that a closed file is suspicious and was probably closed by someone who has connections to someone in the legal system. She also tells you that the only way to access a closed file would be through cyberspace. To enter cyberspace, you need a Cyberjack, headset and Cyberjack module.In Roger's quarters, click on the ComPost to receive your assignment from Commander Kielbasa.
Space Quest VI - Saved Game Windows (SQ6SAV11) (ZIP file) [64.6 KB]
DOS Saved Game - The name of the save in the game is "right after datacard". When restored, this save starts in Roger's quarters.
Scanning the DataCart revealed that the hair clogging the razor belonged to a Nigel Rancid and the file on him was closed. After speaking with Carmen Santiago, you find out that a closed file is suspicious and was probably closed by someone who has connections to someone in the legal system. She also tells you that the only way to access a closed file would be through cyberspace. To enter cyberspace, you need a Cyberjack, headsetand Cyberjack module.
In Roger's quarters, click on the ComPost to receive your assignment from Commander Kielbasa.
Space Quest VI Saved Game (SQ6S111)
DOS (SQ6S111D) (ZIP file) [54.3 KB]
Windows (SQS111W) (ZIP file) [56.5 KB]
The name of the save in the game is "Scanned-clickComPost". When restored, this save has you in Roger's quarters. Scanning the DataCart revealed that the hair clogging the razor belonged to a Nigel Rancid and the file on him was closed. After speaking with Carmen Santiago, you find out that a closed file is suspicious and was probably closed by someone who has connections to someone in the legal system. She also tells you that the only way to access a closed file would be through cyberspace. To enter cyberspace, you need a Cyberjack, headset and Cyberjack module.
In Roger's quarters, click on the Compost to receive your assignment from Commander Kielbasa.
Space Quest VI: The Spinal Frontier (SQ6SAV20) (ZIP file) [56.1 KB]
The name of the save in the game is "Scanned-clickComPost". When restored, this save has you in Roger's quarters. Scanning the DataCart revealed that the hair clogging the razor belonged to a Nigel Rancid and the file on him was closed. After speaking with Carmen Santiago, you find out that a closed file is suspicious and was probably closed by someone who has connections to someone in the legal system. She also tells you that the only way to access a closed file would be through cyberspace. To enter cyberspace, you need a Cyberjack, headset and Cyberjack module.
In Roger's quarters, click on the ComPost to receive your assignment from Commander Kielbasa.
Space Quest Collection DOSBox Update (SQCollectionDBUpdate) (EXE
file) [2.72 MB]
This patch will allow the use of the latest version of DOSBox instead of the version 0.63 that shipped with the Collection. Also includes the NewRisingSun patches for Space Quest 1, 5 and 6. The patch also restores the missing install files to configure the games' settings. After running the update, you will find new shortcuts in the "Sierra\Space Quest Collection" folder in the Start Menu. The launcher will no longer be needed.
NOTE: If you do not have the latest DOSBox installed in "Program Files\DOSBox" for 32-bit Windows or "Program Files (x86)\DOSBox" for 64-bit Windows allow this updater to download and install the DOSBox for you.
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