Red Baron Series Updates


Red Baron

ZIP File Red Baron Patch (rbvgajoy) (ZIP file) [299 KB]

Improves joystick response in Red Baron (VGA version only!) on faster systems. NOTE: This archive contains patches for both the 3.5" and 5.25" version of the game. All CD versions of the game have already been updated with this patch.

Red Baron Mission Builder

ZIP File Red Baron Mission Builder Update (rbmbpat) (ZIP file) [181 KB]

This patch disk will fix the video problems that can occur on some systems when running Red Baron Mission Builder.

ZIP File Red Baron Mission Builder STB VGA Card Update (rbmpat) (ZIP file) [181 KB]

This patch file corrects the VGA problems found when using Red Baron Mission Builder and the STB VGA video card.

Red Baron II

ZIP File Red Baron II 1.002 Update (rb2beta) (ZIP file) [1.86 MB]

No description available.

ZIP File Red Baron II Update (rb2_15) (ZIP file) [3.19 MB]

This patch will update Red Baron II to version 1.05. It contains a new flight model, and a few other fixes. Please see the readme file (READMEFM.TXT) which will be installed into the game directory for more information.

ZIP File Red Baron II Super Patch (rb3dsmdl) (ZIP file) [11.4 MB]

No description available.

ZIP File Red Baron 3D Super Patch (rb3d_spr) (ZIP file) [2.88 MB]

This patch is an all-encompassing patch, and should properly update any version of RBII to RB II 3D This update includes 3D single and multiplayer capabilities. Please refer to the readme for some important system requirement information and a complete list of features. This patch does not include the dedicated server portion of the patch.

Red Baron 3D

ZIP File Red Baron 3D Update (rb3d1078) (ZIP file) [1 MB]

This Red Baron 3D patch (Version will allow you to see game servers from within the game interface if you could not see them before. This patch will only apply to the version.

ZIP File Red Baron 3D Server UpdateRedBaron3D (rb3d_svr) (ZIP file) [7.89 MB]

This update, for advanced users, will enable a system to act as a dedicated server for Red Baron 3D multiplayer. Please review the readme file for more information.

ZIP File Red Baron 3D Update (Rb2_3d) (ZIP file) [7.89 MB]

No description available.

ZIP File Red Baron 3D Update (RB3DSoundFix) (ZIP file) [291 KB]

Will turn ON the sound in RB3d and to start RB3d ( single play or multi play mode)

ZIP File Red Baron 3D Update (RB3DXPFix) (ZIP file) [18.0 KB]

This utility will fix the single or mmp dat files to allow sound in RB3D while using Windows XP.


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