None available.
Quest for Glory I VGA Patch (QGEPAT) (ZIP file) [125 KB]
This patch fixes random Lockups, memory fragmentation errors, and palette problems. NOTE: After applying this patch all your old saved games will become obsolete.
Quest for Glory I VGA Patch (QfG1_NRS) (ZIP file) [22.2 KB]
This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. Fixes:
- Healer's bird
- Weapon Master
- Erasmus conversation
- Door in "Yorick's Maze"
- Archers on cliffs
Quest for Glory II Character IMPORT Patch (QG2IMPRT) (ZIP file) [3.5 KB]
Corrects problems importing characters from QFG1, especially character type changing to Fighter. Use ONLY if you are experiencing character IMPORT problems with Quest For Glory II: Trial By Fire for MS-DOS versions up to and including 1.102. Other uses may give unpredictable results.
Quest for Glory II SAVE/RESTORE Patch (QG2FIX) (ZIP file) [58.3 KB]
Corrects difficulties with saving or restoring saved games in Quest For Glory II: Trial By Fire for MS-DOS version 1.000. Use ONLY if you are experiencing game SAVE/RESTORE problems. Other uses may give unpredictable results.
Quest for Glory III Patch (QG3PAT) (ZIP file) [94.2 KB]
Patch to update Quest of Glory 3 to version 1.1. Corrects several problems, including looping, and Shaman endlessly waving arms.
Quest for Glory III Patch (QfG3_NRS) (ZIP file) [97.9 KB]
This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. Fixes:
- Raajah and Sekhmet Talkers now have modeless windows
- Laibon conversation
- Thief conversation
- Simbani initiation
- Various animations
- 'Dissolve' transition effect
Quest for Glory IV Gravis UltraSound Drivers (GUS32)
(ZIP file) [273 KB]
These Gravis Ultrasound Drivers will work with some Sierra 32 bit games. These drivers will not work on earlier Sierra games.
Quest for Glory IV Update 1.1a (QG4PAT) (Diskette Version) (ZIP file) [629
This diskette or archive file contains the necessary files to update Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness version 1.0, 1.0a or 1.1 to version 1.1a. This update corrects several problems:
- Polygon problems, to include "purge is not a selector for glory"
- Fatal "Assertion Failure" during saving
- Fatal at the Monk's Tomb
- Fatal at the Thieves Guild main safe
- Fatal when Restoring from the Burning Gypsy death message
- Fatal Lockup when Ego is caught by Ad Avis
- Fatal in the swamp, when jumping from hummock to land
- Saved game size and restore time has been decreased.
Do NOT use this patch on the CD version of the game.
Quest for Glory IV Update 1.2 (SHADOWUP) (Diskette Version) (ZIP file) [651
This 1.0.1 patch includes several updates to the original diskette version, including:
- Fixes error 29 ("Unable to initialize your audio hardware") with SoundBlaster 16
- Provides support for the Gravis Ultrasound Sound Card (32-bit DOS).
Quest for Glory 4 Note Patch (QG4NOTE) (Diskette Version) (ZIP file) [19.8
This patch fixes the order of events in the Hero's bedroom so that important events are certain to occur. In particular, the Hero should awaken from a dream to find a note signed "Katrina" 1-3 nights after rescuing Tanya. If this event does not occur, the game cannot be completed. To recover, install this patch, then restore to a saved game before Hero has rescued Tanya from the castle.
Quest for Glory 4 Import Patch (QG4IMP) (Diskette Version) (ZIP file) [19.4
This patch fixes character import problems. If the game cannot read some of the statistics in the character SAV file, it will prompt you to enter a value. You may enter any number from 100-300.
Quest for Glory 4 Patch (QFG4CD_NRS)
(CD Version) (ZIP file) [39.8 KB]
This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. Fixes:
- Antwerp maze is no longer linked to the "Speed" slider setting (patch files 81.hep, 81.scr)
- "Error 47" at slime slope
- Ad Avis respawning after being killed
- Stamina use while crossing chasm hand-to-hand
- "Error 52" in swamp with "Chernovy"
- Wraith draining health
- Combat timing
- Missing mouse pointer when exporting character (endgame)
- Death screen animation
- Freezing in rm250 (Outside Adventurer's Guild with Igor) when using the Windows version
- Wisp animation
NOTE: It is recommended that you start from scratch after installing the patch.
Quest For Glory 5 Update 1.1 (QFG5UP11) (ZIP file) [628 KB]
The first patch for QfG5. Updates Quest For Glory 5: Dragon Fire versions 1.0 to 1.1. Note: The fixes in this patch included with the latest patch (below) and is no longer needed.
Quest For Glory 5 Update 1.2 (QFG5UP12) (ZIP file) [626 KB]
This patch will update all previous versions of Quest For Glory V to version For a complete list of issues addressed by the patch please read the readme file.
Quest For Glory 5 Update 1.2 for Windows 64 (QFG5UP12_64) (ZIP file) [3.04 MB]
This patch is the same as the QFG5UP12 above, but will run on 64-bit Windows.
Quest For Glory 5 Win2K&XP Compatibility Patch (QFG5Win2k) (ZIP file)
[22 KB]
This third party patch (written by C.P.Groenveld) helps QfG5 run under Windows 2k or XP. Apply the above 1.2 patch. Then copy QfG5(QFG5Win2k).exe to your Quest For Glory V installed directory (typically C:\SIERRA\QFG5) and run it.
Updated SoundBlaster Driver (SB16DRV) (ZIP file) [6.25 KB]
This patch can fix problems with the SoundBlaster 16 ASP sound card involving hearing only the first digitized effect.
Updated SoundBlaster Driver (SBSCI32) (ZIP file) [4.94 KB]
This patch corrects Error 29 that says "Unable to initialize your audio hardware" when the sound card is a SoundBlaster 16 whose port address is not 220.
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