King's Quest I Patch (KQ1_NRS) (ZIP file) [3.56 KB]
For the remake (SCI) of King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown. This non-Sierra update is one of NewRisingSun's script level timer bugs patches. Fixes Opening/Closing Credits sequence.
King's Quest IV Patch (KQ4FIX) (ZIP file) [274 KB]
For the SCI version of King's Quest: The Perils of Rosella. This patch fixes Lockups or errors at the waterfall scene in King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella.
King's Quest V Patch (KQ5FIX) (ZIP file) [68.4 KB]
This patch fixes the extremely rare restore problem in King's Quest V.
King's Quest V CD XP Files (KQ5_BAT) (ZIP file) [400 bytes]
Batch file to help run the Windows version of King's Quest V in Windows 2000/XP. Please see the King's Quest V XP Help Page for instructions.
King's Quest V Save Game (KQ5SG) (ZIP file) [10.9 KB]
This Save Game is a work around for the "Out of heap" error. It will restore the game to just after the short movie that occurs when the cheese is placed in the machine. Mordack turns into a giant Dragonfly, and is hovering directly in front of Graham.
You will have about two seconds to go into the inventory and click on the wand.
King's Quest VI CD Updated SoundBlaster Driver (SB16DRV) (ZIP file) [5.75 KB]
This updated AUDBLAST.DRV for the DOS version corrects a problem with some SoundBlaster 16 ASP sound cards in which only the first digitized sound effect is heard.
King's Quest VI CD Patch (KQ6CDHI) (ZIP file) [88.9 KB]
This patch will correct a problem that occurs when King's Quest VI CD is run through Windows at video resolutions higher than 640 x 480. If you were having difficulty making Prince Alexander walk off the bottom of the screen or pick up certain objects, and are running Windows at higher video resolutions like 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768, this patch will help.
King's Quest VI CD XP Files (KQ6XP) (ZIP file) [400 bytes]
Files to help run the Windows version of King's Quest VI in Windows 2000/XP. Please see the King's Quest VI XP Help Page for instructions.
King's Quest VII Patch (KQ7PAT) (ZIP file) [76 KB]
This patch fixes the lockup when Rosella walks through forest, the lockup when taking the wooden nickel from mockingbird, the stuttering mockingbird, the looping at the hummingbird / spiderweb scene, the wooden nickel not highlighting in Faux Shop, the lockup when interacting with the headless horseman or bogeyman, and the lockup in Malicia's house.
King's Quest VII DOSBox files (KQ7DOSBox) (ZIP file) [76 KB]
This ZIP contains the RESOURCE.CFG and KQ7.BAT files needed to run the game entirely from the harddrive, using this method.
King's Quest VII DOS Movies (KQ7_DOS_Movies) (RAR file) [20.3 MB]
This RAR archive contains the intro and endding movies for the DOS version of the game. The DOS version of the game cannot use the AVI movies that the Windows version uses. These RBT movies are not included with the above KQ7 1.4 or KQ7 1.51 to 2 DOS upgrades or the King's Quest Collection DOSBox Updater below. Extract the three RBT files to the AVI sub folder in the installed KQ7 game folder, using WinZIP or WinRAR.
King's Quest Mask of Eternity Update 1.3 (MoE13fg) (ZIP file) [991 KB]
This patch will upgrade the English, French, and German versions of Mask of Eternity to version 1.3. The update adds more D3D supported features as well as some bug fixes.
King's Quest Mask of Eternity Update 1.3 (MoE13fg_64) for 64-bit Windows
(ZIP file) [991 KB]
Same as the above official patch, but repackaged in a 32-bit to work on 64-bit Windows
Visual Basic 6 Runtime Files Service Pack 5 (VBRUN60SP5) (ZIP file) [1 MB]
This Microsoft Update for their VB runtime Libraries may help with some hangs at certain points in the game running under Windows 2000.
Indeo Video Codec (IV5SETUP) (ZIP file) [1.85 MB]
This codec is the same that should get installed with the game. Sometimes it does not, and may be installed on its own.
Mask of Eternity Kingdom of Daventry Save Game (SAVEDV) (ZIP file) [32.7 KB]
This Save Game is a work around for the lockup that many encounter when leaving the millhouse after getting the ax.
Mask of Eternity Dimension of Death Save Game (SAVEDT) (ZIP file) [196 KB]
This Save Game is a work around for the possible lockup when using the portal after getting the feather of truth in DoD.
Mask of Eternity Realm of the Gnomes Save Game (SAVEGN) (ZIP file) [613 KB]
This Save Game is a work around for the lockup that some encounter in the armory and apothecary shops.
Mask of Eternity The Barren Region Save Game (SAVEBN) (ZIP file) [493 KB]
This Save Game is a work around for the lockup that might occur when entering the blacksmith shop.
King's Quest Collection DOSBox Update (KQCollectionDBUpdate)
(EXE file) [1.62 MB]
This patch will allow the use of greatly improved latest DOSBox over the version 0.63 that shipped with the Collection. It will upgrade King's Quest 7 to version 2.00b DOS. Also includes the NewRisingSun patch for King's Quest 1 SCI. The patch also restores the missing install files to configure the games' settings. After running the update, you will find new shortcuts in the "Sierra\King's Quest Collection" folder in the Start Menu. The launcher will no longer be needed.
NOTE: If you do not have the latest DOSBox installed in "Program Files\DOSBox" for 32-bit Windows or "Program Files (x86)\DOSBox" for 64-bit Windows allow this updater to download and install the DOSBox for you.
King's Quest VII DOS Movies (KQ7_DOS_Movies) (RAR file) [20.4 MB]
This RAR archive contains the intro and endding movies for the DOS version of the game. The DOS version of the game cannot use the AVI movies that the Windows version uses. These RBT movies are not included with the above King's Quest Collection DOSBox Updateabove. Extract the three RBT files to the AVI sub folder in the installed KQ7 game folder, using WinZIP or WinRAR.
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