IndyCar Racing v1.04 Update (ICR104) (ZIP file) [360 KB]
This patch enhances online/modem play and adds time acceleration.
IndyCar Racing v1.04 Update (ICR104F) (ZIP file) [358KB]
Frenchv 1.04 Update.
IndyCar Racing v1.04 Update (ICR104G) (ZIP file) [359KB]
German 1.04 Update.
IndyCar Racing v1.04 Update (ICR104I) (ZIP file) [358KB]
Italian 1.04 Update.
IndyCar Racing v1.04 Update (ICR104S) (ZIP file) [359KB]
Spanish 1.04 Update.
IndyCar Racing (ICR_GUS) (ZIP file) [55KB]
Gravis AIL 32 Sound Drivers v1.1 for use with IndyCar Racing v1.02 and above.
IndyCar Racing Bonus Fix (ICR_EXP) (ZIP file) [1KB]
Bonus expansion disks fix for corrupted files.
IndyCar Racing 2 - Rendition Patch (ICR2REND) (ZIP file) [581
This patch allows users of Cyrix computers to use the Rendition version of IndyCar Racing II. The original Rendition version of ICR2 that was bundled with some Rendition cards would not work with those systems. If you got a new .exe file from the Intergraph BBS, then adding this patch will fix a problem where you could have 6 million laps in a single race.
IndyCar Racing 2 Patch (ICR100_2) (ZIP file) [1.21 MB]
This patch upgrades the full HARD DRIVE INSTALLATION of IndyCar Racing II for DOS version 1.0.0 to version 1.0.2. It will not work with the CD ROM installation of the game. It is recommended that you apply this patch to a clean installation of IndyCar Racing II. This patch contains several batch files that will help you to apply the patch without losing your setups, replays and saved races.
IndyCar Racing 2 Patch (ICR101_2) (ZIP file) [201 KB]
This patch upgrades the full HARD DRIVE INSTALLATION of IndyCar Racing II for DOS version 1.0.1 to version 1.0.2. It will not work with the CD ROM installation of the game. It is recommended that you apply this patch to a clean installation of IndyCar Racing II. This patch contains several batch files that will help you to apply the patch without losing your setups, replays and saved races.
IndyCar Racing 2 Patch (ICR2WIN) (ZIP file) [4.42 MB]
This patch is for the Windows 95, hard drive installation of the DOS version only! Upgrades the DOS version of IndyCar Racing 2 to the Windows 95 version. After executing the patch file, run the README.BAT for installation instructions. NOTE: You need to install ICR100_2.EXE before you can install this upgrade.
IndyCar Racing 2 Patch (PKIT102) (ZIP file) [210 KB]
This patch updates IndyCar Racing 2 to version 1.02. It removes the yellow stripe that will appear on a car that has been painted in the IndyCar Racing 2 Paint Kit.
IndyCar Racing 2 Patch (W95ICR11) (ZIP file) [204 KB]
Fixes problem of sound in the introduction starting before the video does. Corrects realism settings in 2-player mode. Fixes statistical issues.
IndyCar Racing II Verite Patch for V2000 Series Chips, Beta (ICR2_V2K)
(ZIP file) [592 KB]
IndyCar Racing 2 Verite patch for V2000 series chips.
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