Dr. Brain Series Updates

Castle of Dr. Brain

ZIP File Castle of Dr. Brain Updated Driver (DRBSB) (ZIP file) [3.97 KB]

This driver will correct some problems that can occur on faster systems when running the Castle of Dr. Brain.

Island of Dr. Brain

ZIP File Island of Dr. Brain Update (DB2PAT) (ZIP file) [74.3 KB]

These patches will fix all the situations that are known for Island of Dr. Brain.

Time Warp of Dr. Brain

ZIP File Time Warp of Dr. Brain Update (DB4PAT) (ZIP file) [326 KB]

This patch fixes a problem in which the game would not allow any player names including the character string "christ". This patch works for both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 versions of Dr. Brain 4.

The Time Warp of Dr. Brain has a filter which disallows certain
words/character strings from being used as player names (i.e. saved game names). This was done primarily to prevent "offensive" words from being used as saved game names in scholastic settings. The word "Christ" was accidentally left on this list, which results in preventing the use of any name using those five letters (Christine, Christopher, etc.). We apologize to those people who entered their names, only to have Dr. Brain say "That's a naughty name."

ZIP File Time Warp of Dr. Brain Update (DB4PATCH) (ZIP file) [290 KB]

This patch fixes a problem in which the game would not allow any player names including the character string "Christ". This patch works for both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 versions of Dr. Brain 4.


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