RAMA Math Help

Jump to 3rd floor Math Help

Bangkok, 2nd floor. Uses base 16 math.

The numbers on the keypad (in human form) are 0 to 15, so the keypad reads:

0    1     2      3      4     5      6      7
8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15

Center computer, counting.

Count the number of balls on the screen. If the number is 0 to 15, click on the symbol that corresponds with that number. If the number of balls is 16 to 255, continue here. If the number is 256 to 4095, see below - Counting with larger numbers.

Count the balls on the screen. Divide that number by 16. Look at the answer's whole number. If the answer is 5.2342, the whole number is 5. Take the whole number. That is the first number. Multiply the whole number by 16. Subtract that number from the original number. That answer is the second number. Now you have two numbers. Type in the symbol for the first number and then type in the symbol for the second number. Here are a few examples:

You count 20 balls on the screen. Divide that by 16 (20/16) which equals 1.25. 1 is the first number. Multiply 1 by 16 which equals 16. Subtract 16 from the original number 20 which equals 4. 4 is the second number. Type in the symbol for 1 and then the symbol for 4.

111 balls:

111 / 16 = 6.9375

6 * 16 = 96

111 - 96 = 15

The answer is 6, 15.

68 balls:

68 / 16 = 4.25

4 * 16 = 64

68 - 64 = 4

The answer is 4, 4.

112 balls:

112 / 16 = 7

The answer is 7, 0.

99 balls:

99 / 16 = 6.1875

6 * 16 = 96

99 - 96 = 3

The answer is 6, 3.

Counting with larger numbers (base 16).

Count the balls on the screen. Divide that number by 256. Look at the answer's whole number. That is the first number. Multiply the whole number by 256. Subtract that number from the original number. Divide that number by 16. Look at the answer's whole number. That is the second number. Multiply that number by 16. Subtract that from the number you divided by 16. That is the third number. Here are a few examples.

You count 281 balls. Divide that by 256 which equals 1.0976562. 1 is the first number. Multiply 1 by 256 which equals 256. Subtract 256 from 281 which equals 25. Divide 25 by 16 which equals 1.5625. 1 is the second number. Multiply 1 by 16 which equals 16. Subtract 16 from 25 which equals 9. 9 is the third number.

439 balls:

439 / 256 = 1.7148437

1 * 256 = 256

439 - 256 = 183

183 / 16 = 11.4375

11 * 16 = 176

183 - 176 = 7

The answer is 1, 11, 7.

1000 balls:

1000 / 256 = 3.90625

3 * 256 = 768

1000 - 768 = 232

232 / 16 = 14.5

14 * 16 = 224

232 - 224 = 8

The answer is 3, 14, 8.

Right computer, addition and subtraction.

The numbers on the keypad (in human form) are 0 to 15, so the keypad reads:

0    1     2      3      4     5      6      7
8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15

Keep each number separate when you calculate them. Remember to start each calculation from the right. In base 16, the 15 is like our 9 in regular base 10 math. After the 15, we revert back to 0.

Write down the corresponding number to each symbol on the screen. Add/subtract using these almost normal methods and type in the symbols to the new numbers.

Addition is the hexagon symbol and subtraction is the hexagon with the circle inside it. The last symbol on the line is the equal sign.

Say your problem is:

Number 13, Number 7 + Number 2, Number 4 = ??


13, 7
+ 2, 4

Remember that base 16 numbers go to 15. First add 7 + 4 which is 11. 11 is under 15 so the last number is 11. 13 + 2 is 15. 15 is equal to 15, so 15 is the first number. Our answer is 15, 11.

What if the number is over 15?

Well, we have to carry over like in regular base 10 math.


10, 10
+ 10, 10

10 + 10 is 20. Since it's over 15, we have to subtract 16 from 20, which is 4, for the answer. Remember, since the number was greater than 15, we have to carry one to the next column.


10, 10
+ 10, 10
??,   4

We repeat that action for the next column. 1 + 10 + 10 = 21. This is also over 15. We subtract 16 from 21 to get 5. The second column number is 5. We have to carry one over to the next column again, so our number is now 3 numbers.


1   1      
10, 10
+ 10, 10
??,   5,   4

Since 1 is alone in the third column, it is the answer. The full answer is 1, 5, 4. You would then click the symbols for 1, 5 and 4.

Here's a couple examples I saw in the game:

7 + 5 = 12

15 - 5 = 10

7, 12 + 3, 1 = 10, 13

5, 8 + 10, 7 = 15, 15

15, 15 - 10, 10 = 5, 5

2, 4 + 1, 2 = 3, 6

2, 7, 0, 15 + 3, 13, 9, 6 = 6, 4, 10, 5

1, 11, 4, 8 + 5, 3, 9, 11 = 6, 14, 14, 3


Bangkok, 3rd floor. Uses base 8 math.

The numbers on the keypad (in human form) are 0 to 7, so the keypad reads:

0    1     2      3      4     5      6      7

0 is white, 1 is red, 2 is orange, 3 is yellow, 4 is green, 5 is blue, 6 is dark purple, 7 is light purple.

Center computer, counting.

Count the number of balls on the screen. If the number is 0 to 7, click on the color that corresponds with that number. If the number of balls is 8 to 63, continue here. If the number is 64 to 511, see below - Counting with larger numbers.

Count the balls on the screen. Divide that number by 8. Look at the answer's whole number. If the answer is 5.2342, the whole number is 5. Take the whole number. That is the first number. Multiply the whole number by 8. Subtract that number from the original number. That answer is the second number. Now you have two numbers. Type in the symbol for the first number and then type in the symbol for the second number. Here are a few examples:

You count 45 balls on the screen. Divide that by 8 (45/8) which equals 5.625. 5 is the first number. Multiply 5 by 8 which equals 40. Subtract 40 from the original number 45 which equals 5. 5 is the second number. Type in the symbol for 5 and then the symbol for 5.

53 balls:

53 / 8 = 6.625

6 * 8 = 48

53 - 48 = 5

The answer is 6, 5.

26 balls:

26 / 8 = 3.25

3 * 8 = 24

26 - 24 = 2

The answer is 3, 2.

33 balls:

33 / 8 = 4.125

4 * 8 = 32

33 - 32 = 1

The answer is 4, 1.

44 balls:

44 / 8 = 5.5

5 * 8 = 40

44 - 40 = 4

The answer is 5, 4.

55 balls:

55 / 8 = 6.875

6 * 8 = 48

55 - 48 = 7

The answer is 6, 7

Counting with larger numbers (base 8).

Count the balls on the screen. Divide that number by 64. Look at the answer's whole number. That is the first number. Multiply the whole number by 64. Subtract that number from the original number. Divide that number by 8. Look at the answer's whole number. That is the second number. Multiply that number by 8. Subtract that from the number you divided by 8. That is the third number. Here are a few examples.

You count 281 balls. Divide that by 64 which equals 4.390625. 4 is the first number. Multiply 4 by 64 which equals 256. Subtract 256 from 281 which equals 25. Divide 25 by 8 which equals 3.125. 3 is the second number. Multiply 3 by 8 which equals 24. Subtract 24 from 25 which equals 1. 1 is the third number.

425 balls:

425 / 64 = 6.640625

6 * 64 = 384

425 - 384 = 41

41 / 8 = 5.125

5 * 8 = 40

41 - 40 = 1

The answer is 6, 5, 1.

113 balls:

113 / 64 = 1.765625

1 * 64 = 64

113 - 64 = 49

49 / 8 = 6.125

6 * 8 = 48

49 - 48 = 1

The answer is 1, 6, 1.

66 balls:

66 / 64 = 1.03125

1 * 64 = 64

66 - 64 = 2

2 is less than 8, so the second number is 0.

The answer is 1, 0, 2.

Right computer, addition and subtraction.

The numbers on the keypad (in human form) are 0 to 7, so the keypad reads:

0    1     2      3      4     5      6      7

0 is white, 1 is red, 2 is orange, 3 is yellow, 4 is green, 5 is blue, 6 is dark purple, 7 is light purple.

Keep each number separate when you calculate them. Remember to start each calculation from the right. In base 8, the 7 is like our 9 in regular base 10 math. After the 7, we revert back to 0.

Write down the corresponding number to each symbol on the screen. Add/subtract using these almost normal methods and type in the symbols to the new numbers.

Addition is the red and white striped symbol and subtraction is the blue and white striped symbol. The last symbol on the line is the equal sign.

Say your problem is:

Number 3, Number 2 + Number 2, Number 4 = ??


3, 2
+ 2, 4

Remember that base 8 numbers go to 7. First add 2 + 4 which is 6. 6 is under 7 so the last number is 6. 3 + 2 is 5. 5 is under 7 so 5 is the first number. Our answer is 5, 6.

What if the number is over 7?

Well, we have to carry over like in regular base 10 math.


7, 7
+7, 7

7 + 7 is 14. Since it's over 7, we have to subtract 8 from 14 for the answer which is 6. Remember, since the number was greater than 7, we have to carry one to the next column.


7, 7
+ 7, 7
??, 6

We repeat that action for the next column. 1 + 7 + 7 = 15. This is also over 7. We subtract 8 from 15 to get 7. The second column number is 7. We have to carry one over to the next column again, so our number is now 3 numbers.


1   1    
7, 7
+   7, 7
??, 7, 6

Since 1 is alone in the third column, it is the answer. The full answer is 1, 5, 6. You would then click the symbols for 1, 5 and 6.

Here's a couple examples from the game:

5 + 4 = 1, 1

5, 7 + 1, 0 = 6, 7

7, 6 - 3, 1 = 4, 5

3, 0 + 1, 5 = 4, 5

7, 7 - 4, 6 = 3, 1

1, 0, 0, 0, 3 + 1, 6, 7, 7, 7 = 2, 7, 0, 0, 2

1, 3, 0, 5, 3 + 1, 7, 3, 4, 5 = 3, 2, 4, 2, 0


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