To get into the game console mode press " shift-ctrl-7 " all at the same time. You won't be able to play the game again until you hit " shift-ctrl-7 " to exit the console. Once you are in the console you'll see a prompt asking for your password, but there's no password. Enter in all codes in lower case letters.
noConCollide - clipping mode, walk-through walls, etc.
conCollide - turns off clipping mode.
teleport: Type this and your map clears completely. Click on the current world's map and Connor will be teleported to that spot. Click somewhere high on the side of a mountain, though, and Connor could fall to his death! (This only works in the land you are in - all others go away.)
debug - crashes game.
lookup -
bump - makes Connor move a little bit forward and through walls.
god: This is the god command, it makes Connor practically invincible. He can still die from the River of Death and from falling great distances - mainly because it would have been a pain to program - so don't be too confident. However, monster's can't hurt you!
ungod: Turns God mode off.
ruth - easter egg.
welch-piel - easter egg.
oscar - easter egg.
rocket - easter egg.
The following "set" variables can also be used in the mask.cs script file for permanent usage.
set KQConner::reincarnate true/false: If you die, you come back to life instantly.
set allowAltEnter true/false: Allows you to run Mask in a window or full screen.
Gives Connor items - ie: "give silvercoins 100" will give Connor 100 gold pieces (they originally were going to be silver). You can give Connor heath items, magic items, armor,
weapons , and inventory items (Rocks don't seem to work?). Some items Connor was never meant to have, and giving them may crash the game. IT MAY BE CASE SENSITIVE.
Weapons | item66= LodeStone |
item 0= Dagger | item67= CrystalPyramid |
item 1= SmallAx | item68= BlackDiamond |
item 2= BroadSword | item69= AmberGlow |
item 3= Mace | item70= BasiliskTongue |
item 4= LakeSword | item71= FireGem |
item 5= SkelKingSword | item72= PipeCap1 |
item 6= BattleAx | item73= PipeCap2 |
item 7= WarHammer | item74= DragonKey |
item 8= Pike | item75= RockKey |
item 9= LongSword | item76= BlueAdamant |
item10= FlameSword | item77= JailKey |
item11= TempleSword | item78= DecipheringAmulet |
item12= SmCrossbow | item79= Paddle |
item13= AzrielHammer | item80= Feather |
item14= SmCpndCBow | item81= GoodSkull |
item15= ShortBow | item82= BadSkull |
item16= LongBow | item83= RoundKey |
item17= CrossBow | item84= SquareKey |
item18= CpndCrossbow | item85= Ladle |
item19= FlameBow | item86= hmhand |
item20= IceCrossbow | item87= Mask1 |
item21= WeeperEyes | item88= Mask2 |
item22= DemonRocks | item89= Mask3 |
item23= SkelBow | item90= Mask4 |
item24= SlmSlime | item91= Mask5 |
item25= WitchBolt | item92= Piece1 |
item26= Lava | item93= Piece2 |
item27= Fists | item94= Piece3 |
item28= Icycle | item95= Piece4 |
item96= Scroll | |
Armor | item97= LadyBell |
item29= LeatherGloves | item98= RustedLock |
item30= LeatherArmor | item99= KeepKey |
item31= LeatherBoots | item100= StoneOrder |
item32= ChainMailShirt | item101= MetalShaft |
item33= ChainMailGloves | item102= TruthKey |
item34= ChainMailSuit | item103= LightKey |
item35= PlateMail | item104= OrderKey |
item36= BronzePlate | item105= MarbleTablet0 |
item37= FullArmor | item106= MaskMedalian |
item38= Helmet | item107= Grail |
item39= TempleArmor | item108= Mask3B |
item40= GodArmor | item109= Piece5 |
item110= UniHorn | |
Health & Magic items | item111= SpellPage |
item41= Mushroom | item112= Mask1A |
item42= SacredWater | item113= Piece1A |
item43= Crystal | item114= DarkPyramid |
item44= ElixerOfLife | item115= ShardFuse |
item45= Clarity | item116= MarbleTablet1 |
item46= Invisible | item117= MarbleTablet2 |
item47= Invulnerable | item118= MarbleTablet3 |
item48= Strength | item119= GriffRoomKey |
item120= GriffCageKey | |
Inventory | item121= ClockShaft |
item49= RingOfDeadHero | item122= HookDown |
item50= Ashes | item123= HookUp |
item51= Candle | item124= SpinningMask |
item52= SilverCoins | item125= Orcbow |
item53= MagicMap | item126= Spear |
item54= RopeAndHook | item127= IceShard |
item55= RingOfLight | item128= IceLever |
item56= KeyToDeathMaze | |
item57= Mold | Lucreto's scepter |
item58= BrokenShield | item129= LucretoFire |
item59= RustedBrokenShield | |
item60= HearingHorn | Start with no weapon or armor |
item61= AntiPoisonFlower | item130= NoRanged |
item62= GreenMushroomPiece | item131= NoArmor |
item63= Rock | item132= BirthdaySuit |
item64= IronLock | item133= Logo1 |
item65= OakRoot | item134= Logo2 |
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