#define ego o0 #define climb_finished f210 #define fall_finished f211 #define getup_finished f213 #define sound_finished f214 #define ego_x v210 #define ego_y v211 if (isset(f5)) { load.pic(v0); draw.pic(v0); discard.pic(v0); load.logics(101); set.horizon(50); load.sound(15); if (isset(f75)) { load.logics(103); load.view(9); add.to.pic(9,0,0,105,120,0,0); } if (v65 == v0) { add.to.pic(62,0,0,36,86,0,0); } if (!isset(f75)) { load.view(9); animate.obj(o2); set.view(o2,9); position(o2,105,120); if (v1 == 55) { set.cel(o2,2); } else { set.cel(o2,0); } draw(o2); stop.update(o2); } load.view(107); load.view(97); animate.obj(o11); animate.obj(o12); animate.obj(o1); set.view(o11,107); set.view(o12,107); set.view(o1,97); position(o11,121,161); position(o12,73,166); ignore.horizon(o1); position(o1,115,17); set.priority(o1,15); set(f68); object.on.water(o11); object.on.water(o12); ignore.blocks(o0); draw(o11); draw(o12); draw(o1); if (v1 == 55) { position(o0,110,122); set(f26); } if (v1 == 3) { get.posn(o0,v60,v61); if (v61 > 150) { position(o0,2,150); } } reset(climb_finished); reset(fall_finished); reset(getup_finished); draw(o0); call(101); wander(o11); wander(o12); show.pic(); } if (said("climb","wall")) { if ((posn(ego,83,140,94,147) || posn(ego,128,140,139,147))) { load.view(74); set.view(ego,74); set.loop(ego,0); set.cel(ego,0); set.priority(ego,15); program.control(); get.posn(ego,ego_x,ego_y); ego_y = ego_y - 30; move.obj.v(ego,ego_x,ego_y,0,climb_finished); } else { print("You're not close enough."); } } if (climb_finished) { load.view(105); set.view(ego,105); set.loop(ego,0); set.cel(ego,0); get.posn(ego,ego_x,ego_y); ego_y = ego_y + 30; move.obj.v(ego,ego_x,ego_y,0,fall_finished); reset(climb_finished); load.sound(5); sound(5,sound_finished); } if (fall_finished) { stop.sound(); load.view(104); set.view(ego,104); set.loop(ego,0); set.cel(ego,0); set(f98); end.of.loop(ego,getup_finished); reset(fall_finished); } if (getup_finished) { reset(f98); player.control(); release.priority(ego); set.view(ego,0); discard.view(104); discard.view(105); discard.view(74); reset(getup_finished); } if (said("check","room")) { print("You are standing outside a castle surrounded by an alligator filled " "moat."); } if (isset(f26)) { reset(f26); start.update(o2); reverse.loop(o2,f25); } if (isset(f25) && !isset(f27)) { stop.update(o2); } if (said("pet","alligator")) { print("What! Are you crazy?"); } if (said("check","bridge")) { print("It is a rather small, wooden bridge."); } if (said("check","banner")) { print("High above the castle, the flags are waving in the wind."); } if (said("check","building")) { print("King Edward the Benevolent, the mighty ruler of Daventry, lives in " "this castle."); } if (said("check","moat")) { print("You never know what might be in there!"); } if (said("check","water")) { print("It's your typical moat water: murky and smelly."); } if (said("check","blossom")) { print("They are absolutely gorgeous!"); } if ((said("acquire","blossom") || said("steal","blossom"))) { print("King Edward does not allow anyone to take his flowers."); } if (said("check","alligator")) { print("These alligators have protected the castle from many a trespasser."); } if (said("enter","building")) { if (isset(f25)) { print("You must enter the castle through the door, and the door is closed."); } } if (said("close","door")) { print("The door is already closed."); } if (said("check","door")) { if (posn(o0,0,120,159,167)) { print("These doors are strongly built to keep out unwanted visitors."); } else { print("You can't see them from here."); } } if (said("anyword","lion")) { if (posn(o0,0,128,159,167)) { print("They pose as immovable guards for King Edward's castle, and have " "frightened off numerous intruders."); } else { print("You can't see them from here."); } } if (isset(f75)) { if (said("open","door")) { if (posn(o0,105,120,121,128)) { print("Since the goat is with you, permission to enter the castle is " "denied."); } else { print("You cannot reach the door from here."); } goto(Label1); } } if (isset(f125)) { if (said("open","door")) { if (posn(o0,105,120,121,128)) { if (v74 == 3) { print("You have been to the castle once since your quest and are not " "allowed to return again."); } else { print("You have been to the castle once and you may not return until " "your quest is complete."); } } else { print("You cannot reach the door from here."); } goto(Label1); } } if (said("knock","door")) { if (posn(o0,105,120,121,128)) { print("Your knock echos within the castle. Unfortunately, no one answers."); } else { print("You cannot reach the door from here."); } } if (!isset(f75) && !isset(f125)) { if (said("open","door")) { if (posn(o0,105,120,121,128)) { set(f27); start.update(o2); sound(15,f28); end.of.loop(o2,f24); stop.motion(o0); set.priority(o0,15); print("The huge doors swing open slowly."); if (!isset(f193)) { set(f193); v3 += 1; goto(Label1); } if (!isset(f206)) { set(f206); v3 += 1; } } else { print("You cannot reach the door from here."); } } } if (isset(f24) && isset(f28)) { new.room(55); } if (said("drink","water") && !isset(f88) && !isset(f116)) { if ((posn(o0,0,143,159,167) || posn(o0,40,108,74,142))) { print("As you kneel by the edge of the moat and see just how filthy the " "water is, your thirst strangely leaves you."); } else { print("You are not close enough to any water."); } } if (isset(f81) && !isset(f88)) { if (said("acquire","water")) { if ((posn(o0,0,143,159,167) || posn(o0,40,108,74,142))) { reset(f116); print("Although you notice the water is unclean, you fill the bucket."); get("water"); set(f88); if (!isset(f91)) { set(f91); v3 += 2; } } else { print("You are not close enough to any water."); } } } if (isset(f3)) { set(f0); } if (v94 <= 0 && isset(f0)) { v76 = 255; ignore.objs(o0); if (posn(o0,9,145,44,167)) { v76 = 27; v77 = 166; } if (posn(o0,45,159,69,167)) { v76 = 50; v77 = 166; } if (posn(o0,70,159,94,167)) { v76 = 75; v77 = 166; } if (posn(o0,95,159,122,167)) { v76 = 103; v77 = 166; } if (posn(o0,123,159,159,167)) { v76 = 133; v77 = 166; } if (posn(o0,50,110,70,144)) { set.priority(o0,5); v76 = 56; v77 = 130; } if (v76 == 255) { v76 = 0; } else { get.posn(o0,v60,v61); v76 -= v60; v77 -= v61; set(f134); } } if (isset(f0)) { if ((said("get out","moat") || said("exit","moat"))) { print("The moats slippery sides prevent you from getting out."); } } if (isset(f0) && !isset(f23)) { program.control(); stop.motion(o0); follow.ego(o11,18,f20); follow.ego(o12,18,f21); set(f23); } if (posn(o0,61,135,63,137) && !isset(f22)) { print("Misfortune strikes and you have fallen into the moat. Your struggles " "and cries have attracted hungry alligators. They do not want to let " "you go."); set(f22); v31 = 45; } if (isset(f20) && !isset(f22)) { print("Misfortune strikes and you have fallen into the moat. Your struggles " "and cries have attracted hungry alligators. They do not want to let " "you go."); set(f22); v31 = 45; } if (isset(f21) && !isset(f22)) { print("Misfortune strikes and you have fallen into the moat. Your struggles " "and cries have attracted hungry alligators. They do not want to let " "you go."); set(f22); v31 = 45; } if (isset(f22) && v31 < 1) { erase(o0); if (isset(f20)) { erase(o11); } if (isset(f21)) { erase(o12); } set(f63); } v31--; Label1: if (v2 != 0) { reset(f68); } if (v2 == 1) { new.room(15); } if (v2 == 2) { new.room(1); } if (v2 == 4) { new.room(3); } if (isset(f75)) { call(103); } call(101); return(); // Messages #message 1 "High above the castle, the flags are waving in the wind." #message 2 "King Edward the Benevolent, the mighty ruler of Daventry, lives in this castle." #message 3 "You must enter the castle through the door, and the door is closed." #message 4 "It's your typical moat water: murky and smelly." #message 5 "You never know what might be in there!" #message 6 "It is a rather small, wooden bridge." #message 7 "These alligators have protected the castle from many a trespasser." #message 8 "They pose as immovable guards for King Edward's castle, and have frightened off numerous intruders." #message 9 "These doors are strongly built to keep out unwanted visitors." #message 10 "You can't see them from here." #message 11 "As you kneel by the edge of the moat and see just how filthy the water is, your thirst strangely leaves you." #message 12 "Although you notice the water is unclean, you fill the bucket." #message 13 "You are not close enough to any water." #message 14 "You have no container for water." #message 15 "You have been to the castle once and you may not return until your quest is complete." #message 16 "You have been to the castle once since your quest and are not allowed to return again." #message 17 "Since the goat is with you, permission to enter the castle is denied." #message 18 "You cannot reach the door from here." #message 19 "The door is already closed." #message 21 "Misfortune strikes and you have fallen into the moat. Your struggles and cries have attracted hungry alligators. They do not want to let you go." #message 22 "They are absolutely gorgeous!" #message 23 "King Edward does not allow anyone to take his flowers." #message 25 "The huge doors swing open slowly." #message 26 "The moats slippery sides prevent you from getting out." #message 27 "What! Are you crazy?" #message 28 "Your knock echos within the castle. Unfortunately, no one answers." #message 29 "You are standing outside a castle surrounded by an alligator filled moat."